high current inductors
High-current inductors are a necessary part in almost any sort of electronic device and system, where they play a critical role in managing currents, filtering electrical noise from the supply to maintain signal quality--and much more. These inductors can carry large currents without coralinging, making them indispensable to power management circuits wherever a variety of functions are being carried out. The high current inductors have three main functions: 1) Store energy in a magnetic field; 2) Filter out undesired noise and signals; 3) Provide a path for direct current or DC while blocking alternating current or AC. With characteristics such as high saturation current, low resistance, and small size, high current inductors are unparalleled performers. In use, they cover the full range of power supplies, inverters, motor control and renewable energy systems; as a result these products have contributed significantly to the overall efficiency and reliability of equipment.